Monday, February 27, 2012

Back Bay Outriggering

As a block we were given the opportunity to go to the Newport Back Bay to outrigger.

We were given the choice between going on the large outrigger or a small kayak. I choose to go on the large outrigger. Since we were also joined by Block 3 we were split into two large kayaks of 18 people. Before getting on the outrigger we were provided with a life jacket and a paddle. We also learned the proper way to paddle using our core muscles instead of our arm muscles.

Once we got onto the water we learned all about the native birds and plants that call the Back Bay home. Most of the birds that were in the Back Bay at the time we were visiting had migrated there for the winter. These birds live in other places in the summer time and migrate to warmer climates when the ground freezes in the winter. Besides learning about the birds and plants of the Back Bay we also learned some interesting things about the other animals who live there. The most interesting fact I learned on the trip was that the Back Bay is a breeding ground for sharks, bat rays, and sting rays. I had thought of this area as an area for birds and had never considered the fact that there were animals living in the water as well.

This trip was so much fun and was an amazing learning experience! It would be a great place to bring students on a field trip because there is so much they could learn here. They would not only learn about the various wildlife, but also about their affect on this wildlife. The guide explains to the students on the outrigger how the pollution from miles and miles away washes into the bay. After learning this information on the trip the students could learn more about pollution while in the classroom. Overall, this field trip was a great experience.

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